"I'd add Chloe Moretz, and the four Pevensie kids from the Chronicles of Narnia."

"I have to admit, the Creepy Thin Man is surprisingly cool. And badass."

"Love this list. :) "Mark Hamill was the best voice for The Joker, Ledger was the best in person." Agreed, 100%!"

"Some of them seem to be misplaced. -Killer Kroc, wasn't in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, was he? -Phoenix, should be under X2, not X-Men -TDK Two-Face, shouldn't be under Batman: TAS -Heath Ledger's"

"Chiwetel or Djimon as Black Panther would be AWESOME!"

"Great list! :D I especially love Ned & Chuck, Martin & Eddie, and the Winchester bros."

"Nice list! XD Did he not have a cameo in X-Men 2? That's a shame."

"Yeah, the Hellboy movies don't suck. Captain America isn't bad either. I liked the first Transformers too."

"I don't think Jacques Mesrine was actually a serial killer. A criminal, yes, but primarily a robber, motivated by greed. H.H. Holmes on the other hand... http://www.listal.com/movie/hh-holmes-americ"

"Is Patrick Jane a member of CBI? I thought he was just a consultant? I'd include Gideon on the Criminal Minds team, and Zack in the Bones crew. Even though they left, they were pretty important membe"

"I'd change the order in same places*, and I noticed a spelling error and wonky grammar here and there, but whatevs, I can see you put a hell of a lot of effort into this. Great job! Good list. :) *("

"I thought he was okay in LXG, but he really caught my eye in Nikita. He is just amazing, awesome, and badass as Michael. Almost couldn't believe it was the same guy."

"Naw, I think they'll be saving the world from some evil criminal or terrorist organization or something. I actually was thinking about adding Sydney once I decided to put Jack in there. Now that I thi"

"I agree about Lucian, he has noble intentions. And I absolutely love Loki, he's so layered, tortured, and real. Max might not be a whole lot like the comic book version, but yeah, he is pretty funny. "

"What do you think about Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre II in Watchmen? There was the fight with the Topknots in the alley, the tag team asskicking-fest with Nite Owl II when they break Rorschach out of"

"Since you've already got all the other Sucker Punch girls, why not throw in Jamie Chung as well? Maggie Q also deserves a Nikita reference. "

"Jared, Jensen, and Joseph are so awesome! And RDJ and Chris Nolan just rule."

"I second Justin Bieber. He was in an episode or two of CSI, so I think he counts."

"I think Magneto has been cancelled, since they already covered his origin in First Class. Hope Arrested Development gets made (and doesn't suck)."

"Man, Face/Off with Schwarzenegger and Stallone could've been really cool. I wish I could see Will Smith Matrix and George Clooney Hancock too. Great list!"